How To Host A Disney Playdate Party On A Budget

I received free products in order to host a #NowMoreThanEver playdate Party. The opinions expressed are my own.

If you are new to my blog, you might not know how obsessed my family is with Disney. I think we could change our address with the post office and we would get our mail at Disneyland. We’re there that much!

I was chosen to host a Disney Playdate Party. Which is a fun way to help share our love for Disney. My daughter was excited! We are going to Disney World soon. This was her chance to talk about Disney World with her friends that have visited Disney World.

It’s easy to overlook how important play dates can be during the summer. So hosting a Disney Playdate Party may be one of the best ways to socialize. It’s easy during the summer to lose touch with the outside world. I know a lot of moms are ready for summer to be over already lol. Playdates are as important for the parents as they are the kids. Sometimes playdates are the only time we see other adults. The kids will have fun. Us parents get to socialize with no need to pay for sitter. What is not to like? My only issue was my budget.

Photo by Megan Beaver

Photo by Megan Beaver

I learned there would be at least 10 kids showing up. So snacks and drinks became my primary concern. Refreshments can be your biggest expense when hosting a Playdate party. Etiquette for guests and hosts of Playdates vary. So things like goody bags may be extras that people do not expect to receive. A small snack and drinks are not unusual to expect.

I wanted to throw a nice party that did not seem cheap. Which was my biggest worry? Even when on a budget it does not matter what you serve or if you throw a fancy party. What matters is the kids have fun. Keeping that in mind I planned the best party I could for under fifty dollars. So I set out to make our #NowMoreThanEver Disney Playdate Party a success on a budget. I would like to pass that knowledge on to you. Because throwing a Disney themed Playdate is a lot of fun and more kids are likely to show up to one. So how can you throw a Disney Playdate party without spending a lot of money? Read on.

Invite guests the old-fashioned way with paper invitations. Many dollar stores carry Disney party supplies. I would buy a traditional invitation and hand it out. Then use a paper guest list. I lose papers and thought doing the invites online would be easier, but it was not. Also, many mom’s did not Rsvp. Passing out invitations in person will get you an answer faster. Sometimes on the spot. Paper invites are also more personal. Better yet help your kiddos make the invitations themselves. How cute would that be?

Have the party outside. I held my party at the park. Which meant the party location was free. Because we held our playdate party at the park I did not have to worry about cleaning my house. Before and after the playdate. Also holding a playdate party at a park means you do not have to plan as many activities.

Kids will want to play. It’s likely the kids will entertain themselves. I cannot stress enough how much easier it is to host a playdate party at the park.

Be sure to check the weather if you plan to have a party outside. If its hot have your party early a breakfast potluck playdate or serve cinnamon rolls. Or a playdate at dusk and serve hot diggity dogs and s’mores. Both are not expensive especially with coupons.

If it will be hot have water balloons or a sprinkler. You can have a fun playdate party on a hot day for free or cheap. Pick a location such as a park with shelters or trees over tables. To provide shade. I held mine at a park that provided a shelter over the table. Everyone felt relaxed and stayed cool.

Photo by Megan Beaver

Photo by Megan Beaver

Look for free party games. I found the egg and spoon race game and the kids loved it. I used some plastic spoons I got when I bought takeout and some plastic easter eggs. We would set up a hopscotch course and use some painted rocks to play but we left them and the chalk at home by mistake. Do not underestimate how much fun simple and free games can be. In my hostess kit we received a Disney World version of memory that we cut out and the kids loved it. They played that game the most. Use what you already own or improvise. No need to spend money on games.

If you want to play some party games or offer a piñata check with the local dollar store. I said this before and will say it again many dollar stores carry official Disney products.

I decided not to hand out prizes for games. For a few very good reasons. I felt it would not be fair if one child won a prize and the others did not. We were playing games to have fun and be with friends. Not to give away prizes so I did not, and this saved me a lot of money.

Photo by Megan Beaver

Photo by Megan Beaver

We made sure the snacks were healthy and inexpensive. We served apple and watermelon slices. I bought the fruit and washed it at home because pre-cut fruit is expensive. You do not have to spend a lot of money on food and drinks. We served water and juice boxes too. Dessert or sweets are optional. My hostess package I received a beautiful and tasty Popped Passion Popcorn cake. All the kids loved! Which also helped make this party much more affordable. I am a huge fan of popcorn because it has fiber, is inexpensive, and is delicious.

Photo by Megan Beaver

Photo by Megan Beaver

If a mom offers to bring a snack, let her. If anyone asks can I bring anything say yes! Or better yet make your playdate a potluck like I said earlier. Because we are huge Disney fans I am thinking of having a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Playdate BBQ at the end of summer. I will serve hot diggity dogs while the other guests bring sides and dessert. Potlucks are fun and easy on the budget.

Let’s talk a second about piñatas and Goody bags. Since they can be a hot topic issue. To me these are special extras and not required at any Disney Playdate Party

I bought many of my piñata fillers at the dollar store. I did not want to give the kids too much candy so buying Disney stickers at the Dollar Store was the best thing I did. It was better for the kids teeth and my budget. Buy what you can at Dollar Stores. It is ok. Many of them sell a lot of Disney items. I found many supplies there. Many of my supplies were in my hostess box. But I could easily host another Disney Playdate party with dollar store items.

Photo by Megan Beaver

Photo by Megan Beaver

I have found Disney piñatas at the Dollar Store and Walmart many times. I have found Disney goody bags and fillers too. If you keep it simple, the odds are one of your guests will take inspiration from you. You may find them hosting another Disney Playdate party. Disney Playdate parties are a lot of fun and great way for both parents and kids to socialize.

If you want to host a Disney Playdate party, you can do it and for free or cheap. There are so many DIY project ideas on Pinterest. With Disney plates, cups, and napkins are available at dollar stores and Wal-Mart. Which means you can find cute Disney party supplies on the cheap. You can have an inexpensive Disney Playdate Party that does not feel cheap. And trust me no matter what you do the kids will love everything. That matters the most!

Have you hosted a Disney Playdate party before? If so, comment below. Also be sure to enter my Jakks Pacific Disney Princess Dress and Doll Giveaways!

This gorgeous Jakks Pacific Cinderella Doll and matching dress were a part of my hostess kit and you can enter to win your very own. This way your little princess can be ready to host her own Disney Playdate party. Good luck!

Photo by Megan Beaver

Photo by Megan Beaver

How to host a Disney Playdate Party on a budget. #nowmorethanever #disney #playdate #partyideas #momlife