Why Children Should Be Included On New Year's Eve

I want to real with ya’ll I’ve been a mom for a long time. As the parent of a 22-year-old I have decades of experience as a parent. Parenting has changed dramatically in the last decade. 

Some families don’t celebrate Christmas or don’t raise their children to believe in Santa. Some families don’t take part in Halloween. It seems these days we have fewer reasons to gather and celebrate being together as a family.

Kids attend school for six to eight hours a day. Then do 2 to 3 hours of homework and try to squeeze in extracurricular activities. Being a kid today can be rough.

That’s why when I see an opportunity to give my children and experience I had as a child I seize it. A growing trend is parents no longer allowing their children to take part in New Year’s Eve Festivities. 

Netflix has made this easier by giving you a New Year’s countdown to play anytime and then put the kids to bed. This is a great tool for parents. A countdown from Netflix is smart. This is a fun way to ensure your small children are not left out. Older children though may understand that the countdown is not “real” and feel left out. 

I understand that parents make decisions based on what they know is best for their family. Parents are better qualified to make these decisions. They know their children best.

I’d like to encourage parents to consider New Year’s Eve a special holiday. New Year’s is the only holiday that’s acceptable for kids to stay up way past bedtime. 

With families being so busy these days. New Year’s is an observed holiday and likely everyone will have the day off. Why not celebrate it as a family? I hate it when people use they are only little for so long logic. That argument is often used against parents. 

If you read my mom shaming post, you would understand my perspective better. Moms are told put the kids first because they are only babies for a while. There are meme’s all over Facebook shaming moms for wanting a clean house. If a mom doesn’t clean we go after her for that. 

I hate using the argument your are only little for so long. Yet here we are. I feel that this is different. It’s about including children. New Year’s Eve is a wonderful experience for most kids. They spend time with their family and stay up late. Some kids love New Year more than Halloween.

New Year’s is very meaningful. There is no political or religious affiliation to the holiday. New Year day is celebrating the start of a new year and 365 days of potential. There is a lot of hope and healing associated with New Year’s. I feel New Year’s is the most positive and hopeful holiday. 

My eldest was born in the late 90s. I don’t own any videotapes of him. We didn’t have cell phones that took pictures and video. I wish I had spent more time with him. In hindsight, you will never wish you spent less time with your kids. 

Parents today have greater advantages than the generations that came before them. New Year’s Eve is one of those rare opportunities you have to celebrate and include those you love most. 

Our children do not get enough quality time with us anymore. This veteran mom urges you to take advantage of New Year’s Eve. Make memories while you can because in a flash they grow up.

If you liked this post may I suggest you read my top 10 Family Christmas Movies?

Read on to learn how to get your kids to bed early on Christmas Eve.

Why Children Should Be Allowed To Stay Up On New Year's Eve. #motherhood #parenting #newyearseve